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By Hannah Miles

It’s dark, that makes the light shine clear
It’s night, that sees the stars appear
It’s pressure that makes diamonds form
In pain, a baby’s life is born.

Cocoons, create the butterfly,
The lows distinguish out the high.
It’s silence that makes music sweet
It’s working that makes rest a treat.

The rains keep ground from drying up.
New things grow, as old things rot.
Calm is known, when storms rage past
We savor ‘first’ when we’ve been last.

Life is turning; dancing; flow.
Seasons come, seasons go.
There’s hurt that can’t be understood
-yet God works even bad, for good.

 Copyright (C) 2015 Hannah miles 

Bio: Hannah Miles

   Hannah Lives in London England and currently studies textile design. She is absorbed by her creative influences and that inspires her to write.
   Some of her influences have been the writings of Brother Lawrence, Mary Oliver and Brennan Manning.  Her literature tastes run from the Bible to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. “I find myself getting very excited reading truths about how we’re created to be free, and to extravagantly love and be loved—a radical, defiant empowerment in the face of the pain, suffering and inequality we find all around us in life.” A quote from Hannah during our interview.


Unknown said...

Hannah, thank you for being a part of this project to expand poetry. I really like your work and I hope to read more.

Hannah Miles said...

Thank you Artemis. It's a pleasure to be involved, and I love what you've already been doing here. I sure hope to keep writing, so for as long as it's interesting to others, I'll aim to continue sharing it!